Monday, April 18, 2011


Well, it's taken me a week to write this because, well I'm angry, frustrated and a lot stressed out. 

Owen had a cold last week, that got pretty bad, and he was very wheezy, so we got to spend two nights in the hospital so they could administer nebulizer treatments and observe him to make sure he did not require oxygen.  For a regular baby, this cold would have not required hospitalization, and the doctor probably would have just sent us home with a nebulizer.  However, because Owen's lungs and heart are already working overtime, we had to play it safe.  Being in the hospital itself is not frustrating, I know it's the best place he could be, and it makes me feel better because at home I worry about his ability to breathe when he is sick.

The frustration sets in because we were so close, and we did everything right.  We kept him away from sick people, and made special arrangements when our regular babysitters son even had a hint of a sniffle.  We got caught off guard when someone watched Owen and didn't tell us their grand daughter was sick.  So of course, Owen got sick because he is just so susceptible to colds because his lungs are so overworked.  This makes me sad because it really isn't that hard to say something, we have many options for sitters, and could have made a last minute change. 

It makes me MAD because still, I have not received an apology, just an I'm sorry I screwed up would at least start the healing, and please let's not just ignore that it ever happened.  I hate that my child is just not important enough, or special enough that you might go out of your way to protect him, and love him the way I do. Also, to not even have enough care to realize that just because it's making your life easier, you are making our lives exponentially harder.  Just another doctor and hospital bill, more stress about our son's health because the longer we delay surgery the longer it will take his lungs to recover, but of course you wouldn't understand or care because you haven't taken the time to ask.   Honestly that relationship will take a long time to repair compeletely, and it hurts me a lot.

On a good note, we go to the cardiologist tomorrow to find out when we can reschedule, and the third time better be the charm because I am tired of bothering my boss to rearrange my vacation time, and trouble my co-workers to have to keep re-arraning all of our schedules....but I am lucky to work with great people who care about me and my family and will go out of their way to make sure I have time off whenever I end up needing it.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Five days

So we have five days until Owen's surgery. He has a cold, no fever so hopefully we will not face any further delays. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers as w how for a speedy recovery from this bug.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

We are in the home stretch

Only eight days until Owen has surgery. As you might imagine I am going into full on panic mode. He has a little cough, which of course has me worried that he's getting sick. He is probably just fine as he has had a cough on and off ever since the rsv. So basically I am going to do my best to keep him healthy for three next week, and say a lot of prayers between now and them because I don't think I can deal with another delay.